Make Cedar Street Charitable Foundation Part of Your Legacy
Leaving a gift to Cedar Street Charitable Foundation in your will or trust, by beneficiary designation, or another form of planned gift can make a lasting difference to our work. Many gifts cost you nothing now, there is no minimum contribution, and you are not locked into a decision you make today. Your gift will leave a long-lasting impact on the dogs and cats in our community and help ensure they receive the highest quality care and shelter they deserve.
Your planned gift will help support the operations at both our Orlando and Sanford locations. If you wish to designate a gift to a specific location or program, we encourage you to contact us first to ensure that we understand your wishes and can carry them out accordingly.
If you choose to let us know Cedar Street Charitable Foundation
is included in your estate plans, you can
become a member of the 1937 Legacy Society.
As a member, you will receive regular
updates on our programs and invitations to
special events. In addition, your giving can
inspire others to leave a legacy to help
dogs and cats.
Please contact Neil Abramson at
You want to leave money to Cedar Street Charitable Foundation of Greater Orlando in your will. You also want the flexibility to change your will in the event that life circumstances change. You can do both.
In as little as one sentence, you can complete your gift. This type of donation to Pet Alliance in your will or living trust helps ensure that we continue our mission for years to come.
Sample Language:
“I will _________(dollar amount or % of state) to be used for its general purposes (or you may restrict the gift to a specific program) to the Cedar Street Charitable Foundation of Greater Orlando Inc., or its successors and/or assigns by merger or purchase, federal tax identification number 59-0637883.”
- Your assets remain in your control during your lifetime.
- You can modify your will to address changing circumstances.
- You can direct your will to a particular purpose (be sure to check with us to make sure your gift can be used as intended).
Beneficiary Designations
Cedar Street Charitable Foundation accepts gifts of life insurance or retirement plans either as the beneficiary of a policy or plan. You can name Cedar Street Charitable Foundation of Greater Orlando as a primary life insurance beneficiary or as a contingent beneficiary should your other beneficiaries not survive you. After your lifetime, the benefits from your policy pass to Cedar Street Charitable Foundation, free of federal estate tax. Retirement assets include tax-deferred retirement saving accounts, like Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA), 401(k), 403(b), annuities, Keogh, and pension plans. Naming the Cedar Street Charitable Foundation as the beneficiary of your retirement assets at your death avoids both income tax and estate tax obligations.
How It Works
- Contact your life insurance carrier or 401k provider and request a beneficiary form.
- Designate Cedar Street Charitable Foundation of Greater Orlando as a primary or contingent beneficiary
- Simple to give: Involves little effort or paperwork
- Financial advantage: Continued ownership of your
- Flexibility: You can change your mind and your beneficiaries at any time
- Future tax savings: Removes the asset from your potential gross taxable estate
For more information and other ways to set
up planned giving options, please
contact Neil Abramson at